Mearns Quail January 2006 eastern Arizona. Chip with Lola and Antar.
Three years ago in November I spent two days hunting with Dominique Pozo for white partridge above the tree line of the Col de la Croix de Fer (Col of the Iron Cross) that the Tour de France sometimes rides over as a HC (beyond category climb).
Middleton Smith first grouse ever. Hunting in George Washington Jefferson National Forrest Area Fall 2016.
Hunting Photos 2017
Ruffed Grouse hunting in WV this is sometimes reality with Justin Madron. The Excursion was pushing snow off the front bumper.
Hunting Photos 2018
Skylar on top of the mountain in WV Ruffed Grouse and Woodcock hunting we flushed 36 and 40 birds in consecutive days and I had to leave at 2pm the second day to get back for a birthday dinner in Richmond.

A limit of woodcock on back to back days and a couple of grouse mixed in. Kona below was the stud of the day and pointed the most birds.

Above Woodcock limit plus a bonus. Below Cort Grubb and I doubled on Woodcock over two beautiful points.

Early October in Bozeman Montana with my brother TJ Hidinger. We were blessed to hunt with Fred Overby and his wonderful EB's.

We flushed 144 Woodcock in 2018 and were blessed to harvest 29. Kona has become and incredible Woodcock dog. The furthest he found a bird and held point until we walked in and flushed it was 138 yards. Otto has retrieved 2/3 of the woodcock flushed into heavy cover and he is not 1 year old yet.
To the left, Justin Madron, myself and Robb Moore with Kona and Nova on the last weekend of Woodcock Season in Virginia. What a gorgeous snowy day and we each harvested one bird.
To the left, Justin Madron, myself and Robb Moore with Kona and Nova on the last weekend of Woodcock Season in Virginia. What a gorgeous snowy day and we each harvested one bird.
Second to last weekend of West Virginia Ruffed Grouse season 2018. Kona pointed two birds and Otto (less than 1 year old) pointed 2 birds which we were all blessed to harvest four Ruffed Grouse over four solid points. Below was big smiles from Cort Grubb, myself and Justin Madron with his first Ruffed Grouse taken over a point. Otto and Nova are the dogs in the photo below. Otto is in the photo above.